Brisbane Writers Festival
Dr Manjula is a sought out the world over to address a wide range of audiences, from Fortune 500 companies, to universities and educational groups, to international social rights associations, NGO's and beyond. She speaks on a wide variety of topics around domestic violence, gender equality, women's rights and more.
Some Highly Acclaimed Recent Talks -
Stories of Women of India: Ancient and Modern
Daughter Only Ever a Guest in Father’s Home
The Malady: Dowry Deaths
Societal Fear Paralyses Social Change
Wish You Were a Son!
Caste and Honour Killings in Australia?
Huge Cost of Mental Illness Caused by Family Domestic Violence
Intersection of Migration, Gender, Family and Suicide
2022-23 Keynote Speeches Include -
Family Life Staff Day
DV-alert, Lifeline
UniSA Hawke Centre in conversation event with Jess Hill
Uni Of NSW Gendered Violence Research Network launch and workshop
The Victorian Indian Psychiatrist group
16 Days of activism against gender-based violence keynote speaker Indian Care and Wellsprings, Dandenong
2023 International Women's Day at University of Melbourne, MAEVE Research group
For Speaking Enquiries
Dr Manjula at the UN
Delivered a talk to distinguished global influencers on activism and advocacy on different manifestations of financial and dowry abuse in the South Asian migrant community in Australia. This was in service of fulfilment of UN Sustainability Development Goal #5.
Followed by an invitation to join a handpicked cohort for a UN study tour, to Geneva, for the facilitation of knowledge transfer and sharing evolving practices of primary prevention and determining trans national avenues for stopping abuse and related abandonment. The audience were various UN agencies including UNHCR, International Overseas Migration (IOM), International Labour Organisation (ILO)

Some Publications that have Influenced Law, Policy and the Medical Practice
Manjula Datta O’Connor. Book. Daughters of Durga. Melbourne University Press, Publish date 15 June 2022
Manjula O’Connor and Amanda Lee. The harmful nature of dowry abuse in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia. Med J Aust 2022; 216 (1)
O’Connor Manjula. Book Review: Heart of Violence. Why People Harm Each Other. Australasian Psychiatry. November 24, 2020.
Manjula O’Connor.2020. Adjunctive therapy with brexpiprazole improves treatment resistant complex post traumatic stress disorder in domestic family violence victims. Australasian Psychiatry 2020, Vol 28(3) 264–266
Manjula O’Connor, Samir Ibrahim .2018. Suicidality and family violence in Australian immigrant women presenting to out-patient mental health settings. An observational study. Australasian Psychiatry. 2018 Apr;26(2):224-225.
Kirsty Forsdike. Manjula O'Connor David Castle Kelsey Hegarty .2018. Exploring Australian psychiatrists’ and psychiatric trainees’ knowledge, attitudes and preparedness in responding to adults experiencing domestic violence. July 2018. Australasian Psychiatry .DOI: 10.1177/1039856218789778.Sudha Subramani , Manjula O’Connor . Extracting Actionable Knowledge from Domestic Violence Discourses on Social Media. European Union Digital Library. 18(17): e2. Published 29th May 2018
Deidre Smith, Jerome Sarris, Nathan Dowling, Manjula O’Connor, Chee Ng. 22 February, 2017. Adjunctive low-dose docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) for major depression: An open- label pilot . Journal of Nutritional neuroscience.n
M O’Connor. March 27, 2017. Dowry related Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Australasian Psychiatry